Press Hit

Medalogix Expands Executive Team to Fuel Continued Growth

Veteran Healthcare Software and Technology Services Executive Joins Mach...

Medalogix Feature: MarketWatch article - how hospice can help ease the last days.

Medalogix In the News: MarketWatch

‘We do not do the end of life well’ in America: How hospice can help eas...


Nashville Medical News: Should Caregivers Use Technology To Predict Your Death?

Do you want the same algorithms that predict which Amazon products you’r...


Managed Healthcare Exec: Can data analytics aid in end-of-life care decisions?

Donna Marbury with Managed Healthcare Executive recently spoke with our ...


Association For Long Term Care Planning: Experts On Long-term Care And Successful Aging Talk About 2016’s Highlights

ALTCP reached out to get our insights on the most impactful industry eve...


NBJ: Solving Healthcare's "Overuse" Problem

Nashville Business Journal’s Eleanor Kennedy recently caught up with our...


Becker's: Not In Silicon Valley Anymore: The New Health IT Hubs

Becker’sAkanksha Jayanthi interviewed our CEO, Dan Hogan, about Nashvill...


Long Term Living:Prescriptive analytics-The Next Step In Putting Patients First

Long Term Living recently published an article about prescriptive analyi...


Home Health Care News: How Encompass Cut Avoidable Hospitalization Risk By 50%

Tim Mullaney from Home Health Care News recently chatted with Encompass ...


Readmission News: Advance Care Planning

Readmission News publisheda byline in their June issue by our CEO, Dan H...


Long-Term Living: Advance Care Planning

Long-Term Living published an article by our CEO, Dan Hogan, about ...


Becker's Health IT Review: Health IT Tip Of The Day

Our CEO, Dan Hogan, was highlighted in Becker’s for his views on a certa...