Transforming End-of-Life Care with Medalogix Muse at St. Croix Hospice

December 18, 2023

St. Croix Hospice, a nationally acclaimed hospice agency, has leveraged Medalogix Muse to enhance the quality of patient care and operational efficiency. In an interview with Ashley Arnold, VP of Clinical Services at St. Croix Hospice, key insights were revealed.

Ashley, with an extensive background in nursing and clinical management, emphasized the organization’s commitment to high-quality, patient-centered care. St. Croix Hospice, having adopted Muse in 2019, actively participated in the tool’s pilot phase, contributing to its development.

Key Insights:

Predictive Modeling for End-of-Life Care: Muse’s predictive modeling feature proved instrumental in anticipating a patient’s final days accurately. St. Croix Hospice initiated the Voyage Vigil Program based on Muse’s predictions, leading to increased caregiver presence during crucial moments.

Operationalizing Muse: St. Croix Hospice, with over 60 branches across ten states, adopted a centralized model to operationalize Muse efficiently. This approach allowed for objective data monitoring, empowering teams to focus on personalized patient care.

Impact on Staffing and Patient Care: Muse’s predictive modeling assisted in strategic resource allocation, ensuring staff is in the right place at the right time. This optimized approach to patient care positively impacted patient and staff satisfaction.

Regulatory Compliance and Quality Improvement: Muse’s accurate data contributed to the development of the award-winning Voyage Vigil Program, showcasing St. Croix Hospice’s commitment to exceeding regulatory standards. The tool strengthened clinical quality by enhancing responsiveness and attentiveness to patient needs.

Internal Measures and Improvement: St. Croix Hospice utilized Muse to internally measure the effectiveness of the Voyage Vigil Program. Approximately 80% of patients were in the program when they passed, a testament to Muse’s ability to predict patients’ final days effectively.

Tips for Future Users: St. Croix Hospice encourages organizations to approach Muse with an open mind, emphasizing centralization and comprehensive training as crucial steps toward successful integration.

In conclusion, St. Croix Hospice’s success story with Muse underscores its transformative impact on end-of-life care, improving both patient outcomes and operational processes. The integration of predictive modeling technology has positioned St. Croix Hospice as a leader in the hospice industry, setting new standards for quality and responsiveness.

Visit our Muse page to learn more about our hospice software solution.

Read the St. Croix Client Success Story

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