Q&A: Jordan Health Services Talks Home Health and Hospice

March 25, 2015

Jordan Health Servicesis forward thinking home health and hospice provider that delivers quality care to more than 23,000 patients. In October 2014they started usingMedalogix Bridgeto help identify and inform patients who would benefit from hospice care. They’ve found success with the technology in part because of power users like Rebecca Ramirez. Rebeccais a synergy liaison which is a position that coordinates a dual operators home health and hospice branches. Here are Rebecca’s thoughts on home health and hospice, technology and Jordan Health Services.

Q: How do you build relationships between home health and hospice teams?

A:Whether we’re talking about my relationships within each care line, or we’re talking about how the home health and hospice branchesrelateto one another, relationshipsarekeyin a synergy program. The best way to form these relationships is to interact. I kicked offthe synergy program byvisiting each location and introducing myself. From there it’s about being a helpful resource and organizer. I equip both care lines witheducational resources that can help them do their jobs. And, wheneverthere’scorrespondence regardinga specific patient, Imakesure to include everyone who has been involved in that patients care plan. This way everyone is in the loop and on the same page.Working together to serve the patient,results in quality, meaningfulrelationships.

Q: What are the biggest challenges between home health and hospice branches?

A:Lack of communication. When home health and hospice branches don’t maintain regular communication and provide updates to everyone involved in the transition of a particular patient, relationships break down and challenges arise.

Q: What do you like most about working in home health and hospice?

A:I like being able to be there for patients at various points in their care journey. I can provide help to a patient whois recently released from the hospital and needs home health. Or,I can provide hospice education and options for patients nearing the end of their lives.Being able to provide carein a full circle is very rewarding.

Q: What’s the best thing about working at Jordan?

A:Jordan provides the best working environment and the latest technology to help their employees work to their fullest potential. For example, Jordan has invested in technology like Medalogix that helps me do my job inensuring that every patient who may benefit from hospice care learns of his or her options. By investing in the latest and greatest technology, we can care forpatients to our fullest ability which makes coming to work everyday meaningful.

Q: What’s the key to successful technology integration from your perspective?

A:The establishment of a synergy liaison who opens and facilitates continual conversation and coordinationbetween home health and hospice branches.

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