Letters From Clients Highlight Medalogix's Patient Impact
Every now and then, our client experience team receives emails from clients that illustrate how Medalogix affects patients’ lives. These shared vignettes excite and impassion us to charge forward on our mission to assist patient care with advanced analytics. Here are a few notes we’ve received lately. Both stories illustrate howMedalogix Bridgehelps clinicians ensure patients receive the right care at the right time.
I wanted to share a story that unfolded over the Holidays.Working through the Medalogix workflow, I found a patient who ranked in the top 10 percent of Medalogix’s hospice-appropriate risk ranking. After assessing his record further, I visited the patient and his family and was able to educate them about hospice, and answer any questions they had.Their pastor was even there, listening and asking questions.
Although this patient was on our home health, he was planning to use an external hospice because he had a family connection there—his son was the chaplain at the external hospice. With that information, I still wanted to make sure our patient was taken care of, so I asked the case manager to keep me informed of the patient, and kept the patient in Medalogix’s “monitor” workflow step.
The external Hospice completed an evaluation, and determined they would not admit. This decision was based on ongoing aggressive therapies the patient was seeking.This was upsetting to the patient and his family. Eventually, the patient and his family decided to start a new lung cancer therapy.The patient remained in home health.
Christmas Eve I was notified by my branch manager that the patient was on his way to the ER.I asked the hospice specialist to join me and went to visit with the family at the ER to offer our support.On Christmas Day, the patient’s son, the chaplain, called me and stated the family had talked, and wanted to move to our hospice. They just wanted their dad home where he could be supported and stabilized for the holiday. Between the hospice specialist, and myself we were able to bridge the patient to hospice over the next day per their request.
With the help of Medalogix’s risk stratification and workflow, I was able to keep an eye on this patient through his home health and hospice journey. I was better equipped to work with my patient and his family as they explored their options and navigated what was best for them.
This struck myheartso I must share!
The other morning I was going through my daily routine–drinking coffee, listening to the radio, and reading my daily paper.
A name in the obituary section struck myheart. It was Mrs. “Green.”
Mrs.“Green” used to be my patient. She was as precious as they come. We had a bond from the get go!
Fast forward to last month when Mrs. “Green”appeared in my Medalogix hospice-appropriate risk summary. I urged Mrs. “Green’s” new nurse to have a hospice conversation with Mrs. “Green.” However her nurse insisted Mrs. “Green” wasn’t ready. Last Friday, they finally admitted Mrs. “Green” to hospice and she passed away yesterday.
As I reflect on the stratification that your program provides, it becomes all the more real when situations like this arise. We could have done so much more for Mrs. “Green” had we simply engaged in the hospice discussion when your risk stratification flagged her. We failed to meet the marker for her transition to hospice care and she was only able to spend several days in hospice.
I’m sure our hospice team did a wonderful job with her for the very short time they were able to care for her, however this is a perfect case of why your program is so valuable to our patients! You can help them receive their hospice benefit longer. You promote the right care at the right time in the right care venue.
I say all of this to you to say thank you! Thankyou to Medalogix from us, our patients and their families.
Photo Credit:melissallarena.com