How Medalogix Home Health Analytics Technology Encourages Connected Healthcare

April 21, 2015

By director of strategy,Israel Ovalle

DC Dicom, a cloud medical image exchange vendor, writes a series of blog posts designed to “get your wheels turning about the future of healthcare technology.”

In one of theirmost recent posts, they spotlight a handful of healthcare technology themes that are key to the connected healthcare system’s future.

We decided to chime in and describe how Medalogix home health analytics technology provides or expands upon these themes to encourage a connected healthcare system.

Future of Healthcare Technology Theme 1: Breaking Down Silos

Medalogix Bridgeleverages analytics and workflows to address gaps between home health and hospice providers. In working with some of the country’s largest providers of home health and hospice services, we’ve learned a lot about how home health and hospice dual providers grow. We’ve incorporated these lessons-learned into the workflow component of our analytics-based end of life technology. The workflow establishes and streamlines standard practices that bring often-siloed clinical teams together for the benefit of the patient.

Medalogix Risk Ranking

Future of Healthcare Technology Theme 2:Real-Time Information Exchange

Upon submitting OASIS assessments,Medalogix Touch—our analytics based patient episode management solution— provides clinical managers with relevant risk information that allows them to take preventive action. In

Medalogix Notifications

addition to risk scores, real-time notifications give home health clinical teams the opportunity to deploy their staff and resources accordingly to most efficiently and effectively care for patients.

Future of Healthcare Technology Theme 3:Patient Empowerment

One of our advisors, Dr. Michael Fleming, recently wrote an article about theimportance of analytics in patient empowerment. He writes that you can empower patients to share in their care plan decision-making by equipping them with the best information. Physicians traditionally offer patients information that’s derived from the physician’s education, experience and instinct. While that’s invaluable, it’s subjective. By adding analytics into the decision making process, providers have access to objective numbers. Medalogix adds analytics into care decisions, which empowers physicians while improving the overall healthcare system. (Read Dr. Michael Fleming’s full blog about analytics’ role in patient empowerment,here.)

Future of Healthcare Technology Theme 4:Cloud Adoption

Medalogix is hosted on a best-in-class cloud infrastructure.This enables us to easily deploy our technology and scale as fast as our clients need, an important quality in a continually expanding and consolidating industry. The speed and in-depth knowledge of our technology team has often received praise in our implementations. Further, Medalogix is well poised to explore interoperability with our clients.

To learn how Medalogix can help your organization achieve connectivity,schedule a demotoday.

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